Det finns över 700 BMW klubbar (bil och mc) världen runt med mer än 250 000 medlemmar. Vi är nästan 7 000 medlemmar i svenska BMW MC-klubben.
BMW Group Classic är den av del av BMW Group som har hand om klubbarna – dom vill förstärka och förbättra samarbetet mellan BMW Group, klubbarna och deras medlemmar. Som ett hjälpmedel i detta arbete ber dom dig fylla i en undersökning. Undersökning handlar om hur du brukar dina fordon och hur du ser på din klubb.
Undersökningen är på engelska, tar några minuter att fylla i och är anonym.
BMW MC-klubben Sverige hoppas att så många som möjligt kan fylla i undersökningen.
Mejlet från BMW Group Classic på engelska nedan
Dear BMW club member,
You belong to the world’s biggest club organisation in the premium car and motorcycle segment. Over 250,000 members of more than 700 clubs worldwide dedicate a large part of their free time to the BMW brand. We are extremely proud that you take PLEASURE from BMW – be that at the wheel, at events, at trade shows, at regular meet-ups or on group excursions with your club friends.
For us, you are the core of the brand and our most important customers.
We appreciate this greatly and would like to expand and enhance our collaboration with you. To this end, we are planning to conduct a worldwide survey in September 2018 with the aim of creating a closer bond between the company and the BMW clubs as brand ambassadors – so we can do even more for you in the future.
We would be grateful if you could take a little time to fill out the attached questionnaire. This will help us to adapt our services even more effectively to meet your needs. The survey will only take a few minutes.
Simply follow this link: Start button
Please complete the questionnaire with care and answer as many of the questions as you can, so we can learn as much as possible from your input. Your participation in the survey will be entirely anonymous and we will not collect any personal data from you.
The results of our analysis will be made available to the various BMW club umbrella organisations at the end of the year.